Inside this community, you will have access to free resources
Here's what you'll expect inside our community:
• A sacred container: Our community is made up of other angel baby mothers who understand the pain and grief you are going through. You can share your thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or criticism.
• Helpful resources: We have a variety of free resources available to help you navigate this difficult journey. From practical tips on self-care to emotional support, we've got you covered.
• Connections with others: It can feel isolating to grieve the loss of a baby, but in our community, you will find others who can relate to your experience. Connect with them, share your stories, and find comfort in knowing that you are not alone.
• Spiritual Guidance and Mentorship: A loving gathering held each month for clearing and releasing hurt, guilt, pain from pregnancy loss/baby loss trauma. You also learn how to build a loving connection with your own Soul, your Divine Guides, and your angel babies.
• Expert advice: You are in good hands. Your coach and facilitator, Daisy May Reyes, is a intuitive energy healer and certified hypnotherapist who specializes in helping angel baby mothers cope, heal, and communicate with their angel baby.
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